Thursday, January 23, 2014

Food Stamp Cuts

I am here to discuss the recent cuts to the Food Stamp program. When president Obama took office he vowed to increase equality, but these food stamp cuts reverse any glimpse of that promise. His actions are barbaric and the rest of the government deserves as much accountability as he does. 
Lets look at the savings. 850,000 are expected to lose $90 a month in food stamp funds. That works out to 76.5 million per month or 918 million per year, a sizeable savings. If the government were fiscally responsible in all arenas of the budget then I would say this might be a more agreeable cut. Make people earn what they need to survive. I, however, realize what a joke the federal budget is. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost the US citizens 6 trillion dollars (enough to fund the Food stamp cuts for 6000 years) or the fact that we spend 10's of billions of dollars a year to upgrade weapons. Lets not forget the numerous defense systems which we spill money into which are located in areas which we will most likely never use. I'd be all for this if our budget was endless, but when we decide that its time for our citizens to starve its time to re-allocate resources.

Lets not forget the outlay of the food stamp program. 45-50 percent of food stamp recipients are children (under 18) and 10 percent are elderly (60 or older). Additionally, 40 percent of those receiving food stamps are in households with incomes. Reports are surfacing nationwide of food pantries now running low on food due to the food stamp cuts and teachers are reporting children hungrier than usual. 
Its time to reverse these cuts and find budget cuts elsewhere.
--Averell Luedecker

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