Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2016 Election Odds

Let’s take a look at the odds on the potential 2016 presidential candidates.

Hillary Clinton:
“I’m not in any hurry. I think it’s a serious decision, not to be made lightly, but it’s also not one that has to be made soon.”
I do find it rather odd that she won’t come out and make a decision as to whether or not she will run. I think she would get the democrats top support if she did go that route, but that remains to be seen. I think the longer she waits the less support she will have come election time so she better hurry.
Clinton odds of election: 20%
Chris Christie:
I like his stance on reducing dangerous crime (gangs, sex/arms trafficking), definitely important. I also like his push to reduce the budget, which should be the biggest push going forward.
Christie odds: 15%
Marco Rubio:
Rubio odds: 9%
Andrew Cuomo:
I think Cuomo would be a great pick for office. He is a good age to get a solid marketing campaign behind him and I definitely support a lot of his policies. Policy choice is always debatable depending on your ethics, but one thing I do support was his strong push for a balanced budget it New York. 
Cuomo odds: 6%
Joe Biden:
Biden odds: 5%

Averell Luedecker:
Luedecker odds: 1%

Well, maybe in 2020?
Let me know if I missed anyone, but these are the candidates I think have the best chance in 2016.

United States Budget Deficit Accountability

The budget deficit is growing every day. http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/
17 Trillion 229 Billion Dollars
$54,309.99 Per Person
Prior to Obama in Office
10 Trillion 626 Billion Dollars
Approximately $34,000 Per Person
A quote from Obama, “We don’t have an urgent deficit crisis.” Well Mr. Obama, I beg to differ.
“As the economy has improved, the deficit is going down.”
“It has now dropped at the fastest rate in 60 years. I want to repeat that because a lot of people think – if you ask the average person what’s happening with the deficit, they’d tell you it’s going up. The deficit has been cut in half since 2009 and is on a downward trajectory and it’s going down faster than at any time since World War II.”
I find it shocking how the President attempts to hide the true state of his budget. Yes, what he says is true, the deficit is going down! But, little does he mention it is only going down as a matter of annual deficit, not total deficit. Of course the deficit is going down; we just ramped up spending to cope with one of the largest financial crises in United States history. Let’s look at the numbers.
FY 2013: $680 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
Obama’s First Year in Office:FY 2009: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion
FY 2004: $413 billion
FY 2003: $378 billion
FY 2002: $158 billion
FY 2001: $-128 billion
I understand what Mr. Obama is trying to do. He is trying to sweep the budget deficit under the rug so that he can work on his agenda of infrastructure improvement, education, and healthcare, but that is not the way to do it. Deceit should not replace transparency to get the job done. I would like some accountability from our government before any trust can ever be gained by them and before the real improvement will ever take place in this country.
Once again, I would like some input from my readers on this matter.
–Averell Luedecker

Hype Hype Hype. A look into Consumers’ minds.

I was out shopping on Black Friday (I was dragged out) and I actually ended up enjoying myself (probably for different reasons that the average shopaholic). I enjoyed watching people cater to their every shopping whim. It makes me wonder why we have these shopping urges. I just as much as anyone enjoy having something new in my life; a new shirt, new shoes, a new car, whatever!! I buy things when I need them and I do get that quick “high” that shoppers seem to experience, but that’s it. I BUY THINGS WHEN I NEED THEM! WHAT A REVELATION!
Consumers today seem to be like mindless zombies. We’re idiots. Black Friday deals? Sure, there are some, but with a little research we see all of the ploys that stores whip out to trick us.
That cheaper TV? Fewer graphics. Sorry, the store forgot to mention they swapped those in. Might even find it for less on http://www.amazon.com/, but then you would have to a wait a day!
That couch is on sale for $499! Marked down from $2000! Upon further examination it was actually only $800 yesterday and don’t you forget that they only paid $50 for it.
Pricing games oh pricing games. Math is not our strong suit. I took my girlfriend to Aerie to shop and what did I discover? (http://www.ae.com/aerie/) Buy 5 pairs of underwear for $30, get 5 free! Well their normal 6 day a week sale has them at 7 for $26.50.  Wow! An item they paid 20 cents for has been marked down from $3.75 a pair to $3 a pair when you buy 10 of them! What a bargain!
That item you saw on http://www.walmart.com/ for 75% off? Oops, they only stocked 5 of them in their store today. Well, now that you are in our store why don’t you buy something else?
My favorite marketing mavericks are Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/). My IPhone 4 (not 4s) just broke (odd how they make the screens out of glass), and so I got the new IPhone 5. Is this phone almost exactly the same or is it just me? Most Americans are not considered rich, well at least not by American standards. We are drowning in debt yet we still have the ability to buy a new $500 phone semi-annually and lets not forget about all of the necessary add-ons: case, cords, etc. We need new ones because they updated the charging ports so that we can charge them faster. Yeah right. More updates= More Revenue.
Why do we constantly buy things that we don’t need? People today are over-worked and I’d like to be the one to say, “Stop buying stuff you don’t need.” You’ll work less and enjoy life more. I enjoy free things all the time. Sports, exercise, the outdoors. If that’s not for you, find something that YOU like. It’s amazingly fulfilling.
Thanks for reading. Make sure to read this before next year’s Black Friday Sales.

–Averell Luedecker
I was out shopping on Black Friday (I was dragged out) and I actually ended up enjoying myself (probably for different reasons that the average shopaholic). I enjoyed watching people cater to their every shopping whim. It makes me wonder why we have these shopping urges. I just as much as anyone enjoy having something new in my life; a new shirt, new shoes, a new car, whatever!! I buy things when I need them and I do get that quick “high” that shoppers seem to experience, but that’s it. I BUY THINGS WHEN I NEED THEM! WHAT A REVELATION!
Consumers today seem to be like mindless zombies. We’re idiots. Black Friday deals? Sure, there are some, but with a little research we see all of the ploys that stores whip out to trick us.
That cheaper TV? Fewer graphics. Sorry, the store forgot to mention they swapped those in. Might even find it for less on http://www.amazon.com/, but then you would have to a wait a day!
That couch is on sale for $499! Marked down from $2000! Upon further examination it was actually only $800 yesterday and don’t you forget that they only paid $50 for it.
Pricing games oh pricing games. Math is not our strong suit. I took my girlfriend to Aerie to shop and what did I discover? (http://www.ae.com/aerie/) Buy 5 pairs of underwear for $30, get 5 free! Well their normal 6 day a week sale has them at 7 for $26.50.  Wow! An item they paid 20 cents for has been marked down from $3.75 a pair to $3 a pair when you buy 10 of them! What a bargain!
That item you saw on http://www.walmart.com/ for 75% off? Oops, they only stocked 5 of them in their store today. Well, now that you are in our store why don’t you buy something else?
My favorite marketing mavericks are Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/). My IPhone 4 (not 4s) just broke (odd how they make the screens out of glass), and so I got the new IPhone 5. Is this phone almost exactly the same or is it just me? Most Americans are not considered rich, well at least not by American standards. We are drowning in debt yet we still have the ability to buy a new $500 phone semi-annually and lets not forget about all of the necessary add-ons: case, cords, etc. We need new ones because they updated the charging ports so that we can charge them faster. Yeah right. More updates= More Revenue.
Why do we constantly buy things that we don’t need? People today are over-worked and I’d like to be the one to say, “Stop buying stuff you don’t need.” You’ll work less and enjoy life more. I enjoy free things all the time. Sports, exercise, the outdoors. If that’s not for you, find something that YOU like. It’s amazingly fulfilling.
Thanks for reading. Make sure to read this before next year’s Black Friday Sales.

–Averell Luedecker